The IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool (ITDT)

If your tape library is IBM, this tool can be very helpful to diagnose and change library or tape drives settings such as compression.

Installing ITDT

There is a Standard and a Graphical Edition for this tool. This page always refers to the Standard Edition, but I'll leave the Graphical's manual below.

First, check if your drives and library are supported on the following list:

ITDT Supported Products
  • IBM Ultrium 3580 Tape Drive (Generation 3, 4, 5,6,7 and 8)

  • IBM Ultrium Tape Drives T800/F, T800V, T1600/F, T3000V/P

  • IBM System Storage 3588/TS1030 model F3A and F3B Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage 3588/TS1040 model F4A Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage 3588/TS1050 model F5A Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage 3580 Half Height/TS2230 and TS2240 Tape Drive Express

  • IBM System Storage TS2250 Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage TS2260 Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage TS2270 Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage TS2280 Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage TS2340 Tape Drive Express

  • IBM System Storage TS2350 Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage TS2360 Tape Drive

  • IBM System Storage 3592/TS1120/TS1130/TS1140/TS1150/TS1155/TS1160 Enterprise Tape System

  • IBM System Storage 3572/TS2900 Tape Library Express

  • IBM System Storage 3573/TS3100 and TS3200 Tape Library Express

  • IBM System Storage 3576/TS3310 Tape Library

  • IBM System Storage 3577/TS3400 Tape Library

  • IBM System Storage 3584/TS3500 Tape Library

  • IBM System Storage 3584/TS4300 Tape Library

  • IBM System Storage 3584/TS4500 Tape Library

If so, then go to the IBM Fix Central and download the proper package for your operating system. This will require you to log in. It is recommended to read the list of changes before proceding with the download. Now that you have downloaded the package, transfer it to the tapeserver where your drive(s) are connected to. Finally, install the package:

chmod 700 install_itdt_se_Linuxx86_64_9.5.3.20220315

This should create a directory called "ITDT". Inside this directory we have the tool called "itdt" ready to be executed.


A few seconds later you should see this interface. That's it!

     IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool Standard Edition - Version:        
     Diagnostic and Maintenance Functions:                                     
     [S] Scan for tape drives and enter Diagnostic/Maintenance Mode            
     [H] Help                                                                  
     [Q] Quit program                                                          
     - During a test, user data on the cartridge will be erased!               
     - Make sure no other program is accessing the devices used by ITDT!       
     - A device scan may take several minutes in some cases!                   
     Expert Functions for known devices:                                       
     [U] Tapeutil                                                              
     [A] Add Device Manually                                                   
     [P] Preferences                                                                                                    

Exploring your devices

Now we can start navigating through the tool.

You can check if it is detecting your devices by pressing [S]. This will perform a quick scan and list the devices along their serial numbers, firmware version and so on. It should look like this:

     IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool Standard Edition  - Device List                  
       Host Bus  ID   LUN  Model          Serial       Fware  Changer     [#]  
 | 0  | 2  | 0  | 0  | 0  | ULT3580-TD9  | XXXXXXXXXX | PA60 | XXXXXXXXXX | |  
 | 1  | 2  | 0  | 0  | 1  | 03584L32     | XXXXXXXXXX | 1804 |            | |  

After the quick scan is done, you can select one of your devices by entering its corresponding number (left column). This should allow you to perform a health test, a system test, see cleaning stats among other options that appear by pressing [O]. You can also check all of these options on the IBM's manual for the Scan menu commands. Once you are done, you can return to the last menu with [R]. To return to the main menu, press [M].

Exploring the Tapeutils and changing drive parameters

On the main menu select the Tapeutil functions by pressing [U]. The following options will appear.

 ---------------------------- General Commands: ----------------------------   
  [1] Open a Device             [5] Reserve Device     [9] Mode Sense          
  [2] Close a Device            [6] Release Device     [10] Query Driver Ver.  
  [3] Inquiry                   [7] Request Sense      [11] Query All Paths    
  [4] Test Unit Ready           [8] Log Sense          [12] Query Runtime Info 
 ---------------------------- Tape Drive Commands: -------------------------   
  [20] Rewind                   [28] Erase             [36] Display Message    
  [21] Forward Space Filemarks  [29] Load Tape         [37] Report Density Supp
  [22] Backward Space Filemarks [30] Unload Tape       [38] Test Encryp. Path  
  [23] Forward Space Records    [31] Write Filemarks   [39] Config. TCP/IP Port
  [24] Backward Space Records   [32] Synchronize Buffers                       
  [25] Space to End of Data     [33] Query/Set Parameter                       
  [26] Read and Write Tests     [34] Query/Set Tape Position                   
  [27] Read or Write Files      [35] Query Encryption Status                   
 ---------------------------- Tape Library Commands: -----------------------   
  [50] Element Information      [55] Initialize Element Status                 
  [51] Position to Element      [56] Prevent/Allow Medium Removal              
  [52] Element Inventory        [57] Initialize Element Status Range           
  [53] Exchange Medium          [58] Read Device IDs                           
  [54] Move Medium              [59] Read Cartridge Location                   
 ---------------------------- Service Aid Commands: ------------------------   
  [70] Dump/Force Dump/Dump     [71] Firmware Update             

You can look up for every option's description on IBM's manual for the Tapeutil menu commands.

Suppose we want to check our drive's parameters and even change some of them. We first have to open the device we want to make these changes, so we will select option [1] and press enter. First thing you'll be required to is writing your device name. That should be something as "/dev/sgX". Remember that you can find the correct number with the lsscsi -g command (last column):

lsscsi -g
[2:0:0:0]    tape    IBM      ULT3580-TD9      PA60  /dev/st0   /dev/sg0 

In this case, the tape drive has /dev/sg0 as its device name.

After writing your drive's name, press enter and you'll be asked to specify the mode in order to open the device. Press enter again to keep the default mode (which is Read/Write mode). A few seconds later you should read a message confirming your device is opened:

                              Command Result                                   
| Opening Device...                                                           |
| Open Device PASSED                                                          |
|                                                                             |
| Device:Host:0 Bus:0 Target:0 Lun:0 opened                                   |

Press enter for the last time and you will be back into the Tapeutil section. For instance, let's go and check the option number [33] to access the Query/Set Parameters.

                              Command Result                                   
| Querying tape parameters...                                                 |
| Query/Set Parameter PASSED                                                  |
|                                                                             |
| Changeable parameters: 7                                                    |
| [1 ] Compression..............Yes     [5 ] Skip Sync................No      |
| [2 ] Block Size...............0       [6 ] Sleep Mode Timer.........1200    |
| [3 ] Buffered Mode............Yes     [7 ] Archive Mode Unthread....No      |
| [4 ] Data Safe Mode...........No                                            |                                  

Here you can check your current settings. In order to make any changes, press the number corresponding to the parameter you want to change. In this example, press [1] which corresponds with the compression of the drive. You will see the following message confirming your change and that now compression is disabled.

                              Command Result                                   
| Setting tape parameters...                                                  |
| Set Parameter PASSED                                                        |
|                                                                             |
| Change Parameter : Compression                                              |
| Changeable parameters: 7                                                    |
| [1 ] Compression..............No      [5 ] Skip Sync................No      |
| [2 ] Block Size...............0       [6 ] Sleep Mode Timer.........1200    |
| [3 ] Buffered Mode............Yes     [7 ] Archive Mode Unthread....No      |
| [4 ] Data Safe Mode...........No                                            |

Once you're done tuning your drive, you can just return [R] and press [2] to close the device. Then, you can just close the tool with [Q].

Last updated