dcache-cta plugin installation

In order to communicate with CTA, a dCache Pool needs the dcache-cta plugin. This was made and still maintained by the dCache development team. The plugin will be the responsible to send orders to our CTA tape system: either storing, fetching or deleting files. There are two ways you can handle the installation: you can either compile or install the rpm (quicker). Check below the steps for both ways:

Compile the plugin

Clone the following gitlab repository:

git clone https://gitlab.desy.de/dcache/dcache-cta.git

To compile the plugin, run the following command. This should produce a tarball in the target directory containing the plugin:

mvn package

Place the directory containing this file in /usr/local/share/dcache/plugins/ on your dCache pool. Restart the pool to load the plugin:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart dcache.target

Rpm installation

You can find the .rpm on the following repository:

Download the version of the plugin you want:

wget https://download.dcache.org/nexus/repository/dcache-cta/dcache-cta-0.8.0-1.noarch.rpm

And install it on your dCache pool:

rpm -iv dcache-cta-0.8.0-1.noarch.rpm 
# or
yum install dcache-cta-0.8.0-1.noarch.rpm

Finish restarting your dcache service:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart dcache.target

Check your installation

You can check if your plugin has been installed through the dCache's admin shell with this command:

(local) admin > \s dc111_1 hsm show providers
 dcache-cta dCache Nearline Storage Driver for CTA. Version: 0.8.0 2022-11-30T11:04:42Z

You're done with the installation! To activate the plugin and configure the queue class, jump to: Setting up your dCache pool.

Last updated